
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Megan Is Missing (2011) Film Review

Not Rated But Contains Strong Graphic Sexual Content Including Prolonged Explicit Dialouge, Brutal Violence Including Disturbing Images And Strong Language.

1hr 25min/85min.

51 uses of the F-word.

Note: Normally I put still images from the film in my review. I cannot do that for this film because the images that I found were graphic and disturbing.

I wish I didn't have to talk about this film. I don't Want talk about it, but I feel the need to warn people about this film. Let me tell you something, I have to think really long and hard about this. Meet The Feebles directed by Peter Jackson is the worst Film I Have ever seen. This film might take over that spot. What Director Micheal Goi has made here is an apalling, depraved and sadistic film. This man has made a terrible film. what exactly is wrong with Megan Is Missing you might ask? Everything. Every single second of this film is wrong. Lets Take It Step By Step Shall we?

The film opens and it flat out lies to you within the first 20 seconds saying that the film was compiled of cell phone and computer files, when multiple sources tell me that this film is all fictionally shot. Not an ounce of footage is real. The film follows Megan(Actors names will not be displayed) as she spends time with her best friend Amy. And that's all that goes on for the first Hour of the film. Later on it is discovered that(GASP!) Megan went missing. Who Took Her? Some Kid named Josh that she chats with throughout the film. How did she get abducted? A Qusetion that will never be answered.

The first thing is the dialouge and man is it bad. Mr. Goi here claims that some conversations happened in the film. Uh, yeah, I would Like to call Bull**** On That. Why? Because there is a conversation between Megan and Amy about how when Megan was 10 she was forced Oral Sex on her by her camp counselor. And they just and laugh about it. Where do I begin? First, If this aactually did happen I am sure that Megan would have told her parents about it and the camp counselor would be sitting in jail, and Second, Who would talk so casually about something so traumatic like this? And that's only the tip of the iceberg.

The pacing is all off. The first hour is a sort-of calm, lazily written film But the last 22 minutes of supposedly "Unaltered Footage"(It's Fake) the movie goes balls to the wall, way to fast. The last 22 minutes of the film are depraved and sadistic. And the fact that SPOILER Megan dies, is incredibly brushed under the rug. The editing is bad too. At one point, you can the director yelling Action right before the scene starts! Yeah, Real footage My A**.

I have a message for the director. I am sure you are a nice guy. But you have made a film so bad that I have considered it one of the top 5 worst films I have ever seen. And you'll say "You just didn't get the message". Oh, I got the message. I'm 15 and the message crystal clear. Wait, No I didn't because it's so buried deep in pointless dialouge that I forgot I was watching a movie altogether. You sir have apalled me. Stick to cinematography. Your film deserves My lowest Grade. Zero Stars Out Of Four. But I also Have a seperate raing Scale, the same used on The best is Better Than Sex, Then Full Price, then Matinee, then Rental, then Some Ol' Bull**** and the lowest being F*** You. Your film is lower than a F*** You Rating. Think About That.

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