
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Why IMAX Is The Greatest Motion Picture Format In The History Of Mankind

Oh hai everyone! Long time no see, huh?

Many people that either follow me on facebook/twitter/periscope or even Letterboxd know my unhealthy obsession with the IMAX format. But why am I so obsessed with this format? Is it worth paying 20-25$ or even more for a theater experience? The short answer is yes, here is the long answer.

On April 1st 2013, I was treated to my very first IMAX 3D experience which was "G.I Joe: Retaliation". The movie was alright but I have never seen a theater experience quite like this.
To summarize, when the trailer for "Iron Man 3" hit the screen and it was in 3D, I've never seen 3D quite like this. It was literraly immersive and it felt like I was there. When I got out of the theater, I compared how IMAX 3D is close to reality and it felt like I was literally with Dwayne Johnson and company saving the world from mass destruction. Simply put, it was incredible.

But why is IMAX the world's best cinema experience? Why should I pay more?

Good to ask! Because I'm here to convince you on why you should pay 30$ for a theater experience.

First thing's first, the theater geometry, 71 IMAX theaters in the world have a GIANT wall-to-wall curved screen that can measure 75 feet or more. When you walk in a real IMAX theater, it's almost overwhelming when you see this humongous screen. It feels already like you're already there.
Also, the seats are positionned in a way to be closer to the screen. So you feel more immersed.

IMAX projection is a key element in delivering the ultimate cinema experience. The projection system is TWO 2k Digital projectors (For the most part) delivering a 4k cinema experience (2+2=4 :P) that is unlike any other. In 2015-2016, IMAX is moving to the next phase, LASER PROJECTION! The 71 theaters I mentionned are getting the upgrade later this year or in January-Febuary 2016, before Batman V Superman comes out. But why two projectors? That's because one is for the left eye, and the other for the right eye. Allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the picture.
As for the 3D, the 3D glasses are specially designed for IMAX showings. Lenses are specially coated for the left and right eye so you have a better 3D experience 100%.

For the sound, IMAX remasters the original soundtrack from the film and turns up the sound to 11 (If you got the reference, you are awesome). The system has 10x more dynamic range than a regular theater. Here is a comparaison: The IMAX sound system sounds better than Dolby Atmos. And you know what? I'm not even joking! Because the sound is incredibly loud, the seats rumble, making you even more immersed in the film.

Before I conclude, I need to address something. Many new IMAX theaters (Mostly AMC) have been designed for a digital projection. The fact is, a digital projector can only fill 75% of the screen. So when you have a BIG screen, it isn't entirely filled, that's why LASER will replace the 71 theaters. As for the rest, well, critics and fans call it LIE MAX or Fake IMAX. What's so fake about it?

"Really? Well I don't believe it!"

Here is a picture one of my friends took when he saw Jurassic World in IMAX 3D.
This is an IMAX THEATER!

Yeah. LieMAX exists.

"How do I avoid it?"
If it's written (15/70mm 3D, 15/70mm 2D or Dual Projection), it's a real IMAX theater.
If it's not, it's a fake IMAX theater.

In conclusion, IMAX is worth paying ALL OF YOUR MONEY! But you have to know which theater you're going into!

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