
Friday, May 23, 2014

Meet The Feebles(1989) Film Review

0/4 Stars, Thumbs Down.

Not Rated(Equivalent of an NC-17 Rating For Gross And Vile Humor And Behavior Throughout, Anti-Social And Sadistic Behavior And Violence, Drug Use, And Sexual Content Involving Puppets.)
1hr 33min/93 min.

Bletch: "Do you really think people are interested in Nasal Sex?"
Trevor: "Sure, It's The Next Big Fad."

Meet The Feebles has not received an MPAA Rating. This deeply worries me, because parents could look at the poster, see the puppets and deem it OK for family viewing. Is it Ok for family viewing? Well, when the family sits down to watch it and they see within the first five minutes, a Siamese cat performing Fellatio on a Walrus, don't come crying to me. Oh the film goes even farther than that.

You see, this movie is filled with such memorable(read: traumatizing and scarring) scenes, including a druged-up frog who has a very violent flashback to when he was in Vietnam, a pink hippo, our hero folks, showing her, well, hungry hungry hippo's, if you get my drift, little bunny Froo-Froo hopping through the forest, and contracting AIDS in the process and a rat who makes odd pornography in the basement of their studio. Oh, did I forget to mention that they're all part of a group called The Feebles, performing live shows to families? I didn't? Well, that's OK, because THE MOVIE RARELY DOES!

The movie wants to go for the shock value. I'm sorry, but the 40th time you see puppets engaging in nefarious things, it stops being shocking. Jordan Belfort, his story(The Wolf Of Wall Street) is a shocking one because it actually happened. Meet The Feebles is gross fabrication beyond the wildest degree. And when I say gross, I mean really gross. Now gross humor is fine, when it's done well, but when that's all you have to rely on in a film, you won't get very far.

The musical numbers are about as bland as Owen Wilson ordering wheat toast with a side of Styro-foam and about as offensive as calling Obama a racial slur. Oh, wait, somebody recently did that! We have the title song, "Sodomy", and many more! Order the soundtrack now while supplies last! And if you order now, we'll throw in a crazily convoluted plot filled with unreedemable characters!

My favorite internet series, Welcome To The Basement, covered this film in the Seen It!, segment of their show in the episode, In The Name Of The King A Dungeon Siege Tale and Matt had a very nice tangent on it. His feelings really sum up mine. This movie was directed by Peter Jackson, yes THAT Peter Jackson. I love all of his other films, so what went wrong here.

Oh, but that's not enough. Throughout the course of the film the Hippo is endlessly ridiculed and made fun of for her weight and lack of talent. So what does she do? Well, like any other person would do, she grabs a chain gun and goes off on a masochistic rampage blowing everybody away, DURING the live show I might add.

The epilogue  to the film is just what angers me the most. You see, the leader of this troupe is a little worm, who retires from the business after the incident, The hedgehog ends up marrying the poodle he was falling for through the course of the movie. The elephant and his elephant-chicken hybrid of a son(just don't ask because it won't get you very far) live a happy life at home. The perverted fox(Swiper no Swiping!) ends up writing a book about the events. But then we come to the hippo. She gets 10 years in prison and is currently working at a grocery store.......DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THINGS ARE WRONG WITH THAT LAST STATEMENT?! First off, only 10 years? For killing over 40 people. Well, Casey Anthony got off scot-free so this is not the most idiotic thing to happen to our judicial system. Second, they let her work in a grocery store? Putting her in Public? Well, when she turns the store into an entire frozen meat section, I don't want any complaints!

This is it folks, this is the movie that brought me to a breaking point. This isn't just one of the worst films I have ever seen, this is THE worst film I have ever seen. This film deeply depresses me every single time I think about it. I hated this film. The fact that audiences enjoy this movie makes me wonder where the state of humanity is going. You really want me to get into the type of rage and the type of anger that I'm in after viewing this? You shove movies of this quality in my face! Wait....what's this.....I Spit On Your Grave? Could be good.....

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