
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Best Night Ever (2014) Film Review

Rating: 0 Stars out of 4, Thumbs down.

Rated R For Strong Crude And Sexual Content Throughout, Language, Graphic Nudity And Drug Use.
1hr 22min/82min.
27 uses of the F-word.

Dear Jason Freidberg and Aaron Seltzer,

Your new film, "Best Night Ever" derives from your typical spoof films. You would think that by you guys using these tactics, the film would be better than your previous efforts(Date Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans, Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck and The Starving Games). Yet, you two manage the unthinkable. You guys manage to make a film that is worse than any of the films mentioned above. I know for a fact that you guys don't read my reviews, but if you did, in my review for the dreck that was "Vampires Suck", I stated that you guys need to have a restraining order put on you two, to stay away from any type of camera. The damn court didn't listen. 

Technically, if you look really closely, your film is a parody movie of 3 films. The Hangover, Project X and Spring Breakers. Your film also parodies the tired and useless found-footage genre. It would be one thing if you had a good story behind the whole gimmick, but you don't. Come on, you guys can't think of anything better than 4 friends going on a bachelorette party that goes awry? Bridesmaids wasn't all that hot, but it's more intelligent than you two.

You guys are not funny. You have the mentality of 12 year-olds. Hell, you are 12 year-olds trapped in 40 year-old bodies. Seeing a large black woman running around naked isn't funny. jokes about poop aren't funny. Jokes about male and female anatomy aren't funny. Lines like "F*** Celine Dion" aren't funny, and are outdated. A jello wrestling match with a woman with large breasts isn't funny. You guys aren't funny. Point blank.

The actresses you have picked give wretched performances. You have the ditz, the stuck-up, well, you know, the normal(hardly) one and the dumb party girl. You write these characters to be both unlikeable and disgusting. The acting is quite bad. I hope razzie nominations come your guys' way, come next year. They're annoying, dumb, loud, crass, rude and just flat-out unfunny.

You know, they have film school for a reason. It's so people like you guys don't make stuff like this. Even musicians who I don't like can make a few good songs. For example, I don't like Iggy Azalea. I think she's a bad rap artist. The song, "Problem" that her and Ariana Grande just did was amazing. You guys will never have that one good film, no matter how hard you try. I hate you, I have always hated you and I will forever hate the two of you. I call you guys the worst directors of all time for a reason.

One very irate critic,
Kyle Haines

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