
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Django Unchained written review

Film: Django Unchained
Starring: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson

Ok, so I'm a little late with this one, however, I did see this over Christmas and as I write this review Django Unchained is being watched.

The first thing that hits me is how much I remembered loving this film, why haven't I revisited this film sooner? It's phenomenal. The cast is perfect, and frankly I'm glad Will Smith declined the role of Django because Jamie Foxx portrays the character incredibly. Also, Christoph Waltz, with his wisecracking wit is superb! But, of course, the stand out here is Leonardo DiCaprio. Just an outstanding performance, never has he been more menacing.

The Plot - Django teams up with Dr. King Schultz and becomes a bounty hunter, once trained Django and Schultz go in search of Django's wife who is being used as a slave on Calvin Candie's plantation. It's a fairly simple storyline, in fact a classic narrative, but it's is pulled off very well. The western feel is portrayed superbly, and the soundtrack is also stand out. (I recommend buying it).

If you like Kill Bill, I recommend this! I give it:


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