Rated PG-13 For Sexual Material, Language And Drug Refferences
1hr 52min/112min.

Pitch Perfect is a great contender for the most overrated film of 2012. This film is astonishingly bad. I went into the film with an open mind and had actually heard really good things. What I eventually thought of the film after watching it was that not only was it overrated but it was jawdroppingly bad. The film has absoluetly bad jokes, horribly written dialouge, no memorable performances and surprising to vulgar for a PG-13 rating. The film was of course slapped with a PG-13 rating so that way 12 year old girls can watch 500 times and annoy everybody with renditions of The Cup Song Anna Kendrick does in the film. Let me take you through all of the problems I had with the film and why I think it's overrated.

The film follows Becca(Anna Kendrick) who wants to go to L.A. to be a full blown record producer. Instead she joins an accapella group called The Barden Bellas who, four months ago, had a tragic mishap in which the lead singer vomited all over the stage. Among the group is Fat Amy(Rebel Wilson) Chloe(Britney Snow) and much more. They go up against an all male acapella group called The Treblemakers led by Nicholas(Adam DeVine) in a tough competition to see who is the best acapella group on the campus.

First, there are two things that save the film from a Zero Star rating. They are Adam DeVine and Rebel Wilson. They have the smartest and best and funniest written dialouge in the film. DeVine is best known for his performance on the extremely funny Comedy Central TV show Workaholics and transfers to this film quite well. Rebel Wilson is sweet and funny but I feel like she is just the predictable comedic relief with the typical fat person jokes but she does it well. Thats about all I liked of the movie. But they are not in the film enough to warrant a 1 star rating. Half of one star is all this movie is getting. Also the acapella singing of the Universal Pictures logo was a nice touch.

First off, this movie has a fascination with vomit. It's gross and also wants to make me vomit. The dialouge is poorly written filled with some of the worst puns I have ever heard. "Aca-scuse me?" "We are gonna be Aca-Awesome!" ENOUGH! If I hear one more "Aca" pun I'm gonna shoot myself in the foot! Anna Kendrick performance is surprisingly boring and is the least intersting character which surprises me since her performance, albeit a small one, was fantastic in End Of Watch. Here, it looks like she could care less. The MPAA should be closely evaluated. I think this film should been givin an R Rating. They give Bully, a really good film an R for language(Later re-rated to PG-13) but this film has drug refferences and sexual refferences galore to warrant an R but Because 11-12 year girls want to watch BOOM, PG-13. The joke are really bad. The only one I laughed at besides the ones said by Wilson and DeVine is the Rape whistle joke. This movie should be banished to depths of Cinematic Hell. Before I go I just want to say that shame on you the people that told me that this movie was good and funny. This is a great case of overhyped cinema. Talenteed actors like DeVine, Wilson and Christopher Mintz-Plasse are wasted in this pile of Garbage. To quote the Scmoes of Schmoes Know, this movie STOINKED!
Couldn't disagree more. This movie was a parody (of sorts) of college life and singing groups in particular.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't disagree more. This movie was a parody (of sorts) of college life and singing groups in particular.
ReplyDeleteNot really a satire of college life. It was just a theatical version of Glee.
DeleteEveryone,brace yourself with the Pitch Perfect 2. Hehe I was hooked with the first movie and been loving the whole cast. Every persoality was indeed lovable so I am just excited to meet the new ones and would be surely welcome by the movie fans. Pitch Perfect songs download were made available by generous people just be very careful with dangerous sites. Thanks for this nice share and all I could say is ACA-AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteDONALD is my ultimate CRUSH!!!!!!!!!!