Well, it's official, Video rental stores are gone. I just wanted to take a few minutes and discuss some of my memories going to these stores.
From the time I was 5 to the time I was 11 or 12, Going to a rental store was special. I would rent the new releases a lot and also rent some old films as well. One time I rented 1974's Herbie Rides Again, about 5 or 6 times in a row. I loved it. Hollywood Video was the store I frequented often, however every once in a while I would go to Blockbuster. Lets detour and talk about them for a minute.
I only went to blockbuster a total of 4 times, each and every one of those times, I got treated very porrly and hated the way that these employess treated their customers. The last time I was in there, I came in just to look around. Of course if you're in there for a few minutes they ask you, "Can I Help You?" I said no and moved on. After 5 minutes within entering the store the woman got mad and said that I had to pick a movie or leave. I left and refused to ever step inside that chain again.
Now Hollywood Video was where it was at. I loved this place. Unfortunately, Hollywood Video saddly closed down in 2010. The last rental I made was Inglourious Basterds on DVD. I loved It by the way. Now Hollywood Video is but a fading memory, But I still rent albeit at my public library. I'm sorry I don't have too many memories on the toic, I just wanted to give my memories on Video Rental Store.
Video rental stores aren't dead just because the big franchises are out of the game. There are surprisingly still a great number of "mom & pop" shops still out there, some even thriving. And hey, I even heard Cinema Sickness was going to open his own store soon XD