
Monday, October 14, 2013

31 Days of Horror: The Rage (2007) DAY FOURTEEN

Well, what a surprise. I missed a couple of days of film watching/reviewing. I kinda thought this may happen at some point, but I do intend to watch 31 Horror films in 31 days still. So, somewhere down the line I've got some catching up to do. I personally blame three bottles of Red Wine and the consequential hangover the day after...I'm certain I almost put myself in hospital with that binge, not again!

Today I sat down and watched The Rage, a film starring a really underrated actor; Andrew Divoff. I first heard of him watching the first 2 Wishmaster films, unsurprisingly The Rage is directed by the director of Wishmaster. We also get a somewhat stretched out cameo from Reggie Bannister from Phantasm fame. Our film opens with Divoff's character performing brutal biological tests on some unwilling captives. He is testing a mutagen he is created called "The Rage" which induces a violent chemical reaction resulting in the patients fitting, getting VERY feral, and essentially melting. After the experiment goes somewhat haywire, we cut to a group of annoying twenty-somethings who are partying nearby. The story then follows them trying to stay alive as each of them are getting massacred one by one.

I actually quite enjoyed this film. It's a film I had only seen clips of many years ago and had somehow remembered the title. The gore is brilliant in places, in others not too great. (CGI) The story takes an interesting turn when we discover that vultures can also become infected with the virus.

3/5, this score is awarded for some great gore moments. Also, a handful of familiar genre actors turn up!

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