
Thursday, October 10, 2013

31 Days of Horror: Hatchet (2006) DAY TEN

We are pretty much a third of the way through this years 31 Days of Horror, and I must say I'm really enjoying it. Today's film is Hatchet, a film that had passed me by up until, maybe, 2010; when I sat down with a good friend and watched it.

I had a lot of expectations with this film as it was sold as a return to classic slasher films of the 1980's however, the pair of us were left a little disappointed, maybe we weren't in the right frame of mind. This time however I got a lot more enjoyment out of it and found the first 30 minutes or so very entertaining and funny.

The plot follows a group of tourists celebrating Mardi Gras somewhere in the deep south. One of the friends get's bored and decides him and another friend go on a swamp tour. Another girl on the tour however, is only going so that she can track down her brother and father who had gone missing a few days previously. She believes the culprit is Victor Crowley, an old urban legend which tells of an orphaned and deformed child (now adult), of course her fears are correct and so begins the brutal killing spree.

Again, I actually enjoyed this more than before and had forgotten the funny dialogue between the various tourists and the outstanding use of practical gore effects/makeup.

4/5, not perfect by any means but the first half an hour are hilariously scripted and the gore is incredible. 

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